Russian Journal of Ecology, 2005, V 36, N 1.

Paleoecology and Dynamics of Forest Ecosystems 
in Central Evenkia during the Past 2400 Years 
V. L. Koshkarova and A. D. Koshkarov 
p. 1   

Transformation of Ecological Conditions of Soil
and Humus Substance Formation 
in the Urban Environment 
P. V. Meshcheryakov, E. V. Prokopovich, 
and I. N. Korkina 
p. 8   

Some Characteristics of Plutonium Distribution
in the Atmospheric Air 
and Plants in the Zone Surrounding the Mayak
Production Association 
V. A. Chudin, L. M. Shcherbakova, R. Ya. Maslovskii, 
A. B. Kocheva, I. V. Iovlev†, L. V. Denisenko, 
S. N. Demin, A. I. Mamin, and M. Ya. Chebotina 
p. 16   

Accumulation of Metals by Vegetation in a 
Small Drainage Area Exposed to Aerotechnogenic Pollution 
E. V. Fedorova and G. Ya. Odintseva 
p. 21   

Ecophysiological Indicators of the State of Animal 
Populations Exposed to Damaging Factors 
S. A. Shilova and M. I. Shatunovskii 
p. 27   

Ecological and Genetic Characteristics of the 
Distribution of Bradybaena fruticum Mull. 
(Mollusca, Gastropoda, Pulmonata) in a 
Forest–Steppe Landscape 
E. A. Snegin 
p. 33   

Effects of Environmental Factors on 
Low-Molecular-Weight Peptides of Fishes: A Review 
L. P. Smirnov, I. V. Sukhovskaya, and N. N. Nemova 
p. 41   

Short Communications

Dynamics of Accumulation of Alkaloids and Flavonoids in Scabiosa comosa Fisch. ex Roem. et Schult. and Scabiosa ochroleuca L. G. B. Endonova and T. P. Antsupova p. 48   Tritium in Water Bodies of the Yenisei Basin in the Impact Zone of the Mining-and-Chemical Plant of the Ministry of the Nuclear Power Industry of the Russian Federation A. Ya. Bolsunovskii and L. G. Bondareva p. 52   DDT and Hexachlorocyclohexane in Bottom Sediments and the Liver of Barfin Plaice Pleuronectes pinnifasciatus from Amur Bay (Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan) M. A. Vashchenko, I. G. Syasina, and P. M. Zhadan p. 57   Latitudinal and Altitudinal Zonalities of the Winter Bird Fauna in Western and Southern Siberia L. G. Vartapetov, S. G. Livanov, and S. M. Tsybulin p. 62   Chromosome Instability and Contents of Heavy Metals in Amphibian from the Yugansk Reserve E. A. Gileva and E. L. Shchupak p. 65