Russian Journal of Ecology, 2004, V 35, N 4.

Forest Monitoring in Urbanized Areas 
L. P. Rysin, L. I. Savel’eva, and 
S. L. Rysin 
p. 209   

Effect of Climatic Factors on the Growth
of Representatives of the Genus Pinus (Pinaceae) 
under Conditions of Introduction 
I. T. Kishchenko 
p. 214   

Ecological Features of Green Strawberry
Cenopopulations in the Steppe Transvolga Region 
N. M. Matveev, M. A. Divnova, A. V. Bazhanova,
and A. V. Lobanova 
p. 220   

Pyrophytic Properties of the Larch Larix gmelinii
in Terms of Life Strategies 
P. A. Tsvetkov 
p. 224   

The Response of Hydrophytes to Environmental
Pollution with Heavy Metals 
M. G. Maleva, G. F. Nekrasova, and V. S. Bezel’ 
p. 230   

Distribution of White Whales (Delphinapterus
leucas) in the White Sea and the Southeastern
Region of the Barents Sea during the Ice Season 
L. R. Lukin and L. Yu. Vasil’ev 
p. 236   

Assessment of Genotoxicity of Lignin Substances
as Risk Factors for Aquatic Ecosystems 
Yu. N. Yakovleva, R. M. Ostrovskaya, 
and L. N. Novikova 
p. 242   

Ecological Segregation of Bustards (Otididae)
in the North of the Lower Volga Region: 
Evolutionary and Adaptive Aspects 
G. V. Shlyakhtin, V. G. Tabachishin, 
A. V. Khrustov, and E. V. Zav’yalov 
p. 247   

Ecological Consequences of Transient 
Outbreaks of Siberian Larch Casebearer, 
Coleophora sibiricella Flkv., in the 
Udmurt Republic 
I. V. Ermolaev 
p. 254   

Studying Trophic Relationships of the 
Bee Seladonia subaurata (Rossi) 
(Hymenoptera, Halictidae) by Analyzing 
Pollen from Nest Cells 
A. V. Lopatin and T. F. Tregub 
p. 259   

Dispersal of Land Snails of the Genus 
Xeropicta Monterosato, 
1892 (Gastropoda; Pulmonata; Hygromiidae) 
V. N. Popov† and S. S. Kramarenko 
p. 263   

Succession in the Abra ovata Community
on Soft Grounds of a Newly Flooded Area 
of the Caspian Sea 
Yu. Ya. Latypov 
p. 267   

Short Communications

On Differentiation of Water Bodies with Respect to 90Sr Accumulation by Fish N. A. Bakunov and V. M. Makeev p. 274 Changes in the Population Phenetic Structure of the Lacebug Dictyla humuli (Fabr.) (Heteroptera, Tingidae) in the Usman’ Forest (Voronezh Oblast) in 1999–2001 O. A. Sherstneva, V. B. Golub, and A. S. Baranov p. 279