The Environmental and Geochemical Situation in the Region
of the Ivankovo Storage Reservoir
N. A. Titaeva, N. S. Safronova, I. V. Lantsova, and E. N. Kukushkina
Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia,
Water Problems Institute (WPI), Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Received June 20, 1997
AbstractThe content and distribution of Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr, Ni, V, Cd, and Be in bottom sediments of the
Ivankovo storage reservoir and in soils of the adjoining territories have been studied. Correlation and factor
analyses have been applied to reveal relations between microelements in bottom sediments and water com-
position in order to assess the geochemical situation at the sites of anthropogenic environmental pollution.
It has been shown that the Tver chemical plant is the main source of pollution of the Ivankovo storage res-
ervoir. The Konakovo State Regional Power Plant (SRPP) is the second, though less significant, source of
anthropogenic pollution. It has been established that the microelements, discharged by the chemical plant
into a minor tributary of the Volga, are mostly precipitated in the zone mixing of creek and reservoir. Flood-
water intensely pollutes flooded soils on the creek banks. Possible mechanisms of these processes are dis-
cussed. The microelements are further transported from the polluted zone in the composition of suspension.
The reservoir bottom sediments are slightly polluted between Tver and Dubna, but the littoral sediments are
not polluted.